Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February Plans

February is going to be all about pampering myself. This is what I decided yesterday!

I have just resigned from my job and will have almost the whole month off before starting my new job and to be honest I could not be more thrilled about it.

I will kick it off with a trip to a yoga retreat in Sri Lanka with my friend Diana next week and will follow it with getting back in track with working out regularly. I will take time to cook healthy tasty things at home again instead of grabbing a latte and croissant on my way to the office. I will be going on long walks with my dog instead of a quick loop around the block after a long day at the office. I will also read all the books I have on my nightstand and try to think only positive thoughts.

Lastly I will take care of my skin and hair more, drink more water and finally start using some of the awesome paper products I have at home but never have time to try.

Like these two gems:
Kiehls Midnight Recovery Concentrate (Link) I actually bought just this weekend. I have been wanting it for ages but the price held me back. Now I have finished my Bodyshop serum and decided to give this a go. It day three and I already love it. The smell, the texture and the fact that my skin seems much smoother in the morning. Since a few little drops takes you a long way it looks like a bottle will last ages so probably not a bad investment after all (yes I call all beauty buys/shoes/bags investments.. yes my husband makes fun of me about that).

Then there is the Oribe Signature Moisture Masque (Link)- I got this as a gift when attending an awesome Oribe event months ago but have never started using it. I intended to so many times as the smell alone is divine but for some reason never did. It is front and present in the bathroom shelves now and I will give you my review on it soon. My expectation are sky high as Oribe so far has delivered only spectacular results for me.
For about 2 weeks now I have been using LiLash and LiBrow as well. These are concentrated serums to help hair growth. I would not necessarily think it works if I didn't see Lauras crazy long lashes after a month of daily LiLash dose. So very excited to report back on how this progresses in a few weeks time.

I also intend to get at least 2 massages during Feb as last time I had a massage was I-dont-remember-when. So all is left is finish this week in the office and get this month of pampering and me time on the way.

Whats your favorite pamper products? Latest favorite books you read? Some super delicious recipe you have tried lately? Please let me know I want to try them all x


  1. I love Kiehls Midnight Recovery, it's so luxurious for bedtime.

    Victoria x

    1. Totally agree. After the first nights use I knew it was worth the money. Just such a lovely products to end the day with. x

  2. Can I buy Li Lash serum from Estonia? And I love your blog and to read you!

    1. Tsau Liina :) nii tore et sulle blogi meeldib. Aitah :)

      Li Lashi online poest saab tellida Eestisse ka. Ma soovitaks pigem otse sealt tellida sest tean et on palju fake seerumeid kes sama v6i sarnast nime kasutavad. http://www.lilash.com/en-ee/lilash/ x

    2. Tsau Laura!
      Ootan põnevusega, mis su uus töökoht olema hakkab :)?
      Ma olen ise kasutanud sellist Eesti (!) toodet nagu Yxes http://www.chamonixcosmetics.eu/
      Ma olin alguses väga skeptiline, aga tõesti, ma pole viimase aasta jooksul ripsmetušši peaaegu üldse kasutanud (aga ma kodune ema ka, eks :D)
      Tahaks teada kaua seda LiLashi jagub, neil on korralik hinnavahe...

  3. Armas Laura, avastasin sinu blogi mingi aeg eelmine aasta ja ma söna otseses möttes kiindusin sinusse ja sinu kirjutamistesse. Lugesin sinu blogi otsast löpuni läbi ja sellest ajast alates ootan alati suure huviga sinu postitusi. Sinus on miskit mis väga sydamesse läheb! Arvestades seda, et ma pole kunagi olnud moe/ilu blogide lugeja siis pean ytlema, et tänu sinule on mul mitu head toodet mida kasutan! :) aitäh sulle selle daily inspirationi eest nii instagramis kui siin ja keep up the good vibes! Tervitusi Helsinkist :)

    1. Armas Triin! See on kyll k6ige ilusam kommentaar mis ma blogis kunagi saanud oled. Suur ait2h sulle ei loed ja ait2h et mulle t2na nii suure naeratuse n2ole t6id ka :) ilusat p2eva!

  4. Congrats on the new job - will it still be events? I think I might pick up Li Lashes and give it a go!x

    1. Yes Maitha its still events. Just a little different field of events. I am really starting to see a difference in my lashes now so Li Lash definitely works! x

  5. Mulle meeldib ikka Hargla raamatuid lugeda..kusjuures hiljaaegu lugesin "Tõde ja õigus# 5 köidet järjestikku läbi :) hea oli.
    Poputamiseks sobib hästi lõõgastav massaaz ning toidunaudingud on smuuti ning sushi seast! Nt hommikune lemmik : 2 banaani, 1 õun, 5 külmutatud maasikat ja peotäis mustikaid, natukene neljaviljahelbeid, 150 ml vett, 1spl chia seemneid. Blenderda ja ilus päev võib alata!

    1. Sri lankal k2isin n2dala jooksul kaks korda Ayurvedic massasis ja niii super oli. Ja sinu smoothi retsept l2heb homme hommikul tegemisse kindlasti :) aitah!

  6. Congrats on your new job and how lovely that you have some time for yourself first. Hope you are enjoying it! x

    Kate Louise Blogs

    1. Thank you so much Kate. Loving the time off! x
